How to loss weight in a week l technicalguru l

How to loss weight in a week 

How to loss weight in 7days
How to loss weight in 7days

As soon as you wake up in the morning, start drinking one teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm water daily.

#Stop taking junk food. Sometimes the habit of eating junk food too.

#Eat food at a certain time, besides eating food two hours before sleeping.

#Avoid taking artificial or extra sugar in the food. Also do not consume excessive oils, spiced food.

#Take the maximum amount of fiber in the food.

#Increase the amount of fruits and green vegetables in your diet.

#Use oat meal bread or multi grain bread instead of plain bread.

#Use curd, cheese and other ingredients made from toddy milk and tooth milk, leaving full cream milk products.

#Walk for 30 to 45 minutes daily. Take a stroll 2 to 3 times a day. In addition to the morning walk, stroll after lunch and dinner. Walking after lunch will not be tired.

#If you are eating at 8.30 at night, then prefer pulses and vegetables instead of chapati and rice. Eat light food at night.

#Drink 12 to 15 glasses of water throughout the day, if possible, drink lukewarm water more.

#Do not eat anytime, do not eat anything at any time when you open the refrigerator.

#Eat breakfast whenever you eat for 15-20 minutes and chew and chew.

#Eat fruits and vegetables according to season.

#Do not apply ghee or butter on chapati.

#Add soya bean or gram in the flour and so on.

#If your job is to sit then walk for 5 minutes every one hour.

#Always be active Join Jim only when fit one part of the body but do not join the gym to stay fit because many people do not go to the gym continuously. Therefore, focus on light exercises daily.

#Take coconut water, lemon soda and so on. They not only play a significant role in reducing weight but also in decreasing toxin.
Do not eat any kind of rich food like chocolate, cake, toffee, ice cream, candy etc.

#Do not eat potatoes, Arabs, cucumbers etc. and eat rice too and eat it out.

#Do not eat over-eating and if you get hungry in the middle then salad can eat carrots, cucumber, cucumber granulated gram, salad, murmur, roasted snacks, etc.

Sajib khan

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